
Recap of the January 18, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting

The foregoing is the Mayor’s recap of certain actions taken at the City Council Meeting held on December 21, 2021. The information expressed in this message is meant to be a factual summary of events. If you have questions made about the statements herein, please do not hesitate to contact Mayor Crissy Stile at

Mount Dora City Council Meeting

Community Building

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 6:00 p.m.

Consent Agenda - The Consent Agenda passed with a unanimous voice vote.

  1. Request approval of Amended Task Authorization/Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for CMAR Services - Palm Island Park Kayak and Canoe Launch (Faden Builders).
  2. Request approval of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG).
  3. Request approval of the Piggyback Agreement with Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc., related to Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Continuing Services and authorization to utilize Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc., for annual road repaving in an amount not to exceed $295,432.15.
  4. Request Approval of Meeting Minutes -November 16, 2021, Regular City Council Session Minutes

Action Items

  1. Request adoption of Resolution 2022-04, FY 2021-2022 Budget Adjustment. This passed 7-0.
  2. Request adoption of Resolution 2022-03, Master Fee Schedule Update. This passed 6-1 (Councilmember Guenther voted against).
  3. Request approval of the Third Amendment to Solid Waste Agreement between the City and Waste Management Inc. of Florida. This passed 7-0.
  4. This action item was added by Motion of Councilmember Rolfson (Addition of the item passed 7-0). Mr. Rolfson asked for City Council to vote to remove Mr. Homich from the Planning & Zoning Commission based on comments he made at the January 10, 2022, Public Information Session to discuss the proposed Mount Dora Groves Development. After much discussion Mr. Rolfson made a motion to remove James Homich from the Planning & Zoning Commission based on a potential Sunshine Law violation. The motion failed with a 5-2 vote (Rolfson & Guenther were yes votes).  Thereafter an alternate motion was made by Councilmember Bryant to direct the City Attorney to review the facts and law of the matter and bring back a report to the City Council for possible further action. This passed 5-2 (Guenther & Stile voted against).

Public Hearings - Resolutions/Ordinances

  1. Request approval of First Reading Transmittal Hearing Ordinance No. 2021-24, Large-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment for Mount Dora Groves. This item was presented in conjunction with item #2, Resolution 2022-01. Both items in front of Council for a vote this evening in addition to the previously approved annexation of this subject property were pulled by the legal counsel for the developer. Since all three items were withdrawn by the applicant no action was taken.
  2. Request adoption of Resolution No. 2022-01, Preliminary PUD Master Plan for Mount Dora Groves. See item #1 above.
  3. Request approval of First Reading of Ordinance No. 2022-01, PUD Master Plan 2nd Amendment for Donnelly Woods. This passed 5-1 (Councilmember Guenther recused himself, Councilmember Bryant voted against).
  4. Request approval of First Reading of Ordinance No. 2022-02, PUD Master Plan Amendment for Villages of Loch Leven. This passed 7-0.
  5. Final reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 2022-03, Building Height Moratorium. Councilmember Rolfson requested at the start of the meeting that this item be moved to item #6 and item #6 be discussed as item #5. This passed 6-1 (Councilmember Guenther voted against).
  6. Request adoption of Resolution 2022-08, Amending Building Height Advisory Committee. Councilmember Rolfson requested at the start of the meeting that this item be moved to item #5 and item #5 be discussed as item #6. The City Attorney shared with City Council that a motion was made at the last Building Heights Committee meeting that if the direction of the Committee was limited solely to drafting language for a Charter Amendment, the Committee wished to disband. That motion passed at the committee meeting by a vote of 11-2. City Council discussed this issue before discussing Resolution 2022-08. A motion was made to rescind the motion made at the December 7, 2021, Council meeting limiting the scope of the Building Height Committee to solely draft the language for an Ordinance to amend the City’s Charter. This passed with a 4-3 vote (Bryant, Cataldo, Stile voted against).
  7. Since we adopted the Building Heights Moratorium, we then had to vote to adopt Resolution 2022-08, Amending the Building Height Advisory Committee to strike the portion of the Resolution that would allow the City to continue accepting applications for a zoning change that involves a building height change. This passed with a vote of 5-2 (Rolfson & Guenther)

City Manager Report - a work session is scheduled for Monday, February 14, 2022 at 10:30am in the City Hall Board Room to discuss priorities of projects for each Councilmember which will allow our City Manager and Staff some direction as we begin our budget season.

City Attorney Report - We have one new claim against the City filed by Medallion Homes.

The meeting adjourned just before 11:00 p.m.

Future Meeting Dates

• February 1, 2022, 6:00 PM, Regular Session

• February 15, 2022, 6:00 PM, Regular Session

• March 1, 2022, 6:00 PM, Regular Session

• March 15, 2022, 6:00 PM, Regular Session

Thanks for staying in touch. If you need clarification on anything happening at City Hall please feel free to reach out to any Councilmember.

Crissy Stile

Mayor, City of Mount Dora
